RaspberryPi Pro tips

RaspberryPi Pro tips

The first thing I do with a new install of my Pi is:
sudo apt install synaptic
sudo apt install mc

Synaptic is a wonderful repository of most debian programs for easy installation. You can word search in synaptic or scan the different categories. Once installed, it will be in your Preferences drop down memory

(Like QuickFile)
mc (Midnight Commander) is a powerful utility that allows to see your directories, read, files copy, move and edit them. I generally access it from the terminal window using “sudo mc” which gives me admin privileges so I can edit some essential files.

In your case the syntax would be just sudo apt install “program”

After installing O/s and boot up I do the following.

Suggestion #2
First to do is update.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Suggestion #3

1. I go to the site providing the .deb file and download to my download directory. Then just double click the .Deb file and let it load and do its thing.

2. The other option would be
sudo apt-get install yourprogram

3. pip install your program

I have examples on my Web site under Raspberry Pi stuff.

Suggestion #4

Create a RaspberryPi desktop shortcut icon.

Create a new text file called yourname.desktop in the /home/pi/Desktop/ directory, e.g. /home/pi/Desktop/yourname.desktop

It should contain the following:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Name
Comment=My application which does this



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